creat: , modificat:

Installation instructions


Before installing the software, please make sure you:

  • created an account on this website
  • subscribed to one of our plans
  • you properly configured a license key

When your trial starts, we will generate and provide you via email a private npm key to our repository.

In case you are in a hurry or your npm key don't hit your inbox, please contact us via phone at: +40 773 958 106.

After we provide you the private npm key, you can start the installation process.


Add private npm key to use our registry in your .npmrc file

You need to add these lines at the end of your .npmrc file located in the root of your project:

1# Authentication token for packages from @andrei-sfia vendor

If you don't have a .npmrc file in the root of your project, please create one with the above content


Install via npm

1npm install @andrei-sfia/canvas-editor-stack
2npm install @andrei-sfia/canvas-editor-i18n
3npm install @andrei-sfia/canvas-editor